There are a lot of attractive and local foods and drinks. A local traditional foods, An Alcohol, A topic foods… Today, we provide 5 recommended foods and drinks in Nagano prefecture. Let’s feel five sences Nagano!

Soba (そば/蕎麦) famous its local food in Japan, Especially in Nagano. Because Nagano’s climate is suitable for buckwheat(Soba) cultivation. In addition, it’s popular with people around the world.
Soba is made by mixing buckwheat flour with water and wheat flour, kneading it, spreading it, out thinly and cutting it into long thin noodles.

There are two major types of Soba: Zaru-Soba(ざるそば) and Kake-Soba(かけそば). Zaru-Soba is a chilled noodle and provided with a dipping sauce. Kake-Soba is the basic dish for hot Soba soup noodles. There are many other types such as Tanuki-Soba(たぬきそば) and Tsukimi-Soba(月見そば), but the changes depending on what is on the Soba.

I love the Tempura that eat with Soba. Tempura is seafoods or vegetables that have been covered in batter flied in oil. A set of Tempura and Zaru-Soba is called Tenzaru(天ざる).

When you finish eating the noodles, add Soba to the soup(Sobayu). Sobayu is the hot water that was used for cooking Soba. It has the nutrients of the Soba.

Oyaki (おやき) is famous as a local food of Japan, especially in Nagano. It is said Oyaki has about 4,000 years history. The highly important point, there is some taste of Oyaki. For example, Nozawana(野沢菜), Daikon(Japanese radish, 大根), Nasu(Eggplant, なす), Anko(Sweet tastes, あんこ) and much more…
“Haiyaki Oyaki” (灰焼きおやき)is roasted in hot ash. A surface of Haiyaki Oyaki is really hard. I thought that may get my teeth. If you want to try to eat Haiyaki Oyaki, we recommend “Yakimoshi-Ya” in Nakajo Area, Nagano city. It is said one of the oldest Oyaki in Nagano.
“Steamed Oaki” (蒸しおやき)is firstly roasted, secondly steamed Oyaki. Steamed Oyaki is softer than Hiyaki Oyaki. Eatable from children to elderly people. If you want to try to eat Steamed Oyaki, we recommend “Azisai” in Ogawa village where is well known as “Oyaki Village”.
“Sasa Oyaki” (笹おやき)is rare Oyaki in Nagano, Japan. Sasa is bamboo grass. Sasa Oyaki is that Oyaki is covered with bamboo grass. Therefore Oyaki has a faint of bamboo grass. If you want to try to eat Sasa Oyaki, you should go to “Naniai Oyaki Centre” in Nagano city. This shop open at 8 o’clock, but it is sold out early in the morning. It is evidence that Sasa Oyaki is famous and popular.
Iroha-do in Nagano city
Iroha-do is located in city center, and Kinasa area in Nagano city. Probably Iroha-do is most success Oyaki shop in Nagano. A special feature is that visitor can buy many kinds of Oyaki. It depends on a season, there is different oyaki.


Sanzoku-Yaki (山賊焼き) is a local specialty food in Matsumoto and Shioziri city, Nagano prefecture. It is an interesting point that there is two types of Sanzoku Yaki in Japan. First is Nagano’s style. It is a large fried chicken. It is a kind of Karaage that is a Japanese cooking technique. Second is mainly Yamaguchi prefecture’s type. This is like a roast chicken.
If you want to eat Sanzokuyaki, let’s go Karaage Center that there are 8 shops in Nagano prefecture. In addition, there are biggest three station Nagano Station, Matsumoto Station, Ueda Station. Visitor can eat the beginning and the end of the jorney.

Nihonsyu (日本酒) is of Japanese Sake. Sake (酒) is made from fermented rice. Recently, Sake culture is spreading all of the worlds. It is important to make the high-quality sake that clear water, delicious rice. There is these factor in Nagano to make high-quality sake.
Nagano has a lot of retail store in breweries. Especially, there are some high-quality breweries in Suwa Area. Suwa Gokura (諏訪五蔵) is a famous sake area in Suwa. Surprisingly there are 5 breweries between 500 meters. Suwa Gokura is located 10 minutes by walk from Kamisuwa-Station. If you want to visit 5 breweries and compare the taste, you should buy the coupon ticket. Thereby you can drink 5 breweries. Below is more detail.


Recently Nagano prefecture pay attention to make many Nagano’s original wine. It is called NAGANO WINE. Especially among them, Takayama village (高山村), Tomi city (東御市), Shioziri city (塩尻市) are large and famous wine site in Nagano.
→The Best Guide of Japanese Wine

Japanese food has very very a lot of variation. It depends on an area, cooking method, ingredients. We recommened one way how to enjoy eating Japanese food. It is eating the same dish in a different area. Probably you can notice different and diverse food culture in Japan. Add a little bit of creative flavor to your next travel in Japan by including destinations Nagano’s foods and drinks on your travel itinerary.