Do you know Japanese wine? Wine is popular in Europe. However, Japanese wine is also recently gathering attention in the world. Although Japanese wine has less story than other country wine, there are many attractions. Now I am living in Nagano where is the famous place of wine introduces them!
History of Japanese Wine

The production wine started before 140 years during the Meiji period. And also, in Yamanashi, Hironori Yamada and Norihisa Takuma established the first organization for Japanese wine.
In fact, Japanese wine was not popular in the world because the wine has not been for a long time and it is difficult to use Japanese grape as the main ingredient of wine. But the situation was changed before 10 years, and in Japan wine which tastes good was born. In 2016, one Japanese wine wins a famous prize of wine.
The attractive points of Japanese Wine

Japanese wine is made of 100 % of Japanese grape and made in Japan. The place of wine in Japan has 4 places; Hokkaido, Yamagata. Nagano and Yamanashi where is famous for production of grape.
In Japan, a number of grapes for wine are made, but most of them were coming to the world. However, there are some Japanese original kinds of grape; Koushu and Mascat Berry A. Koushu is from Yamanashi prefecture and light red color grapes which is used in the case of making white wine. Mascat Berry A is from Niigata and grapes which tastes like strawberry and is used in the case of the red wine. They are famous in EU.
Visit winery of Japanese Wine

Why don’t you try to go to a winery to drink Japanese wine? It is said that there are about more than 200 wineries and some of them have events to make tourists understand Japanese wine well. For example, Suntory Tomi no Oka Winery in Yamanashi has been for more than 100 years and there is a tour for tasting 3 kinds of Japanese wine.
Recommend Japanese Wine Best 3
Now I introduce the best 3 Japanese wine.
「マンズ 甲州 酵母の泡」 Kobo no awa (yeast bubbles) Koshu Sec, Manns Wines
Kobo no awa (yeast bubbles) Koshu Sec by Manns Wines is the medium dry sparkling wine and is provided in the Summit of Ise-Shima. It is fit for Japanese food. It takes 1,733 yen.
「シャトー酒折 甲州・ドライ」 Dry Koshu, CHATEAU SAKAORI
Dry Koshu by CHATEAU SAKAORIis the dry white wine and is also famous for providing in the Summit of Ise-shima. The flavor is like sweet flower and apples and tastes pleasant and goes well with Japanese wine. It takes i,540 yen.
「サントリー 登美の丘 赤 2016」TOMI NO OKA RED [2016], SUNTORY TOMI NO OKA WINERY.
TOMI NO OKA RED [2016] by SUNTORY TOMI NO OKA WINERY. is the red wine and is mixed among fruit flavor and fragrance of barrel, so it tastes soft. It takes 4,062 yen.
Let’s taste Japanese Wine

Japanese wine is getting more popular in the future. In Japan, except for wine, there is other popular sake. If you want know about Japanese sake, please check this page.
→How to order Japanese sake in Japan